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How to Use a Pelvic Floor Trainer

If you're suffering from urinary incontinence, you're not alone. Incontinence is involuntary urinary leakage affecting approximately 50 percent of adult women. In women 65 or older, the likelihood of experiencing this symptom goes up to 75 percent. Incontinence can be very frustrating to manage, characterized by frequent bathroom trips and leakages, but there is hope. Various treatments are available, such as a pelvic floor trainer.

Types of Incontinence

Before deciding what course of treatment is right for you, it's essential to understand the different types of incontinence, as this can affect your course of treatment. You may suffer from one form of urinary incontinence or multiple.

Stress Incontinence

You may struggle with stress incontinence if you struggle with leakages when you laugh, cough, sneeze, exercise, or even smoke. During these activities, abdominal pressure increases, pressing on the bladder. If your pelvic floor muscles are weak or damaged, this may result in a small or large release of urine, depending on the pressure. This type of incontinence can happen with pregnancy and age and is more common for women who have given birth vaginally.

Urge Incontinence

With urge incontinence, also known as an overactive bladder, you may experience sudden, uncontrollable urges to relieve yourself, even if your bladder isn't full. The sensation is triggered by contracting bladder muscles sending signals to the brain. While age can affect urge incontinence, other possible causes can include nerve, brain, or spinal damage. In men, this type of incontinence can also be caused by a tumor, enlarged prostate, or bladder stone.

Mixed Incontinence

If you experience stress and urge incontinence, you qualify for mixed incontinence. Women are much more likely to have this form, as symptoms can be exacerbated during menopause, postpartum, and pregnancy.

Overflow Incontinence

This type of incontinence is when the bladder never empties entirely and occasionally leaks. This specific type is most common in men, as an enlarged prostate can cause it.

Functional Incontinence

With functional incontinence, your brain may be unable to properly tell you when to urinate due to a disability or illness such as dementia.

Reflex Incontinence

Reflex incontinence is often caused by neurological impairments characterized by sudden leakages without any warning or urge.

Treatments for Incontinence

Thankfully, there are many treatments available to treat this frustrating condition. Whether you decide to try electrical stimulation for urinary incontinence or another treatment, there is hope for finding effective results. Because there are so many different types of incontinence, you must talk to your doctor before attempting any of these techniques yourself.

Bladder Training

Some doctors recommend bladder training to slowly lengthen the time between toilet trips to strengthen your bladder muscles. When the urge to urinate arises, you'll wait a few minutes instead of going straight to the bathroom. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how much time to wait and when to increase the amount of time.

Double Voiding

This specific method is commonly used for overflow incontinence. After you urinate, wait a few minutes, then try again. This method helps you learn how to empty your bladder entirely during a trip to the bathroom.

Fluid and Diet Control

Some people may find it helpful to reduce their intake of caffeine, alcohol, and acidic foods. Losing weight and increasing physical activity may also aid in improved urinary continence.

Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises

If you're wondering how to train your pelvic floor muscles, some exercises can help. One of these is Kegel exercises, which are intentional and repetitive tightening and loosening of the pelvic floor muscles. You can do these exercises with the help of a pelvic floor trainer. How do pelvic floor trainers work?

What Is a Pelvic Floor Trainer?

A pelvic floor trainer is a device to help strengthen various pelvic muscles, including those around the bladder, vagina, penis, and anus. A pelvic floor stimulation device can help improve your bladder muscles if you're struggling with incontinence. It can also make sex more pleasurable.

How Does a Pelvic Floor Trainer Work?

You may wonder, "how do pelvic floor trainers work?" The answer depends on the device you've selected. Some trainers are inserted vaginally to stimulate and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, but external devices are available. Over time, regular contraction of these critical muscles will help you gain better control over your bladder, resulting in less embarrassing leakages and uncomfortably strong urges.

How to Use Our Incontinence Treatment Stimulator

Electrical stimulation for urinary incontinence is one of the best modern, affordable treatments to strengthen your pelvic floor. We will walk you through the use of your pelvic floor trainer step-by-step.

Step One: Relax

Before using your trainer, you'll want to find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. This is a time to relax and take ownership of your health. You may want to read a book, watch your favorite TV show, meditate, or be still.

Step Two: Insert the Trainer

Take a deep breath and carefully insert the Vagi-Comfort adaptor. It shouldn't feel painful or awkward, so adjust it as needed until you feel comfortable.

Step Three: Turn It On

Next, turn on your pelvic floor stimulation device. The goal is to have it set high enough that you feel your vaginal muscles contract naturally. Turn up the intensity until you feel this sensation–it should take zero effort from you and not be painful.

Step Four: Let It Do All the Work

Now, you can sit back and enjoy your chosen activity throughout your session. We recommend using your device almost daily for three months in 30-minute sessions. It's that easy! You may notice a difference in your incontinence within just a few weeks.

Take Back Control of Your Body

If you've been wondering how to train your pelvic floor muscles, you've come to the right place. Our treatment is affordable, easy, and highly effective. You may feel frustrated or even embarrassed by your incontinence. Take ownership of your body's health today with Dr. Jane's Incontinence Treatment Stimulator.

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